your yoga private

Hatha and Vinyasa inspired by the Katonah Yoga® method

-Find your center, and from there, navigate the world with grace and intention.-


In a private lesson, we observe the way you use your body. It offers the opportunity to get to know personal embodied patterns and to refine personal techniques so that the body becomes a place to live in at ease. Where are you trapped in your habits? Where are you using either too much or too little of yourself? I support you in creating the conditions on a physical level to help you gain an insight about yourself. A form that doesn’t work, that is dysfunctional, is not sustainable. My work consists of transforming the personal into a formal form that works “formidably”.

Yoga Privates

Let’s create somatic experiences together – book your private yoga session and immerse yourself in a practice that helps reorganize the body and mind. Learn more about my offerings in the FAQs.

Book your Yoga Private

inspired by the Katonah Yoga® method
  • Body Reading
  • Yoga Class

My training

200H Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher Training, SWEET SPOT Yoga, Graz, Austria

20H Katonah Yoga® Teacher Training with Dages Juvelier Keates, Graz, Austria

30H Katonah Yoga® Teacher Training with Abbie Galvin, Berlin, Germany

70H Katonah Yoga® Winter Mentorship with Katonah Yoga® Center (remote)

30H Katonah Yoga® “Body Reading” Training with Abbie Galvin, The Studio, NYC 

10H Katonah Yoga® Teacher Training “Teaching the Therapeutic Private” with Dages Juvelier Keates (remote)

Bodies Talk Impressum Katharina Neubauer


If you want to dive deeper into my daily practice, learn more about my classes, or seek general information about Yoga, I invite you to subscribe to my Instagram channel There, I regularly share inspirations, tips, and insights into the world of Yoga.


All important questions and answers about my Yoga privates and my offerings

A yoga class generally consists of a beginning, middle, and end part. At the beginning, there is a settling onto the mat and an initial mobilization of the body. Depending on the intention of the class, it can be flowing and dynamic at times or slower with longer stays in individual asanas. The class concludes with a final relaxation.

Yoga can be suitable for most people, as it is an adaptable practice that can be tailored to individual needs and abilities. However, there are some cases where Yoga may not be suitable.

These include, for example, serious injuries, unstable health conditions, acute illnesses, or women during pregnancy with any health restrictions. Since I tailor my approach to you individually, we can discuss all important details before a session via email or phone.

In (Katonah) Yoga, various props are used to support your practice and enhance your alignment. These include blocks, straps, blankets, and bolsters. I bring these props to every yoga session, but if you have your own mat, that’s perfectly adequate.

During a private session, we closely observe your body’s movements and habits. This provides an opportunity to identify individual patterns and enhance techniques, fostering a more comfortable and fluid embodiment.

You can easily book individual sessions through the booking form. Each request will be personally confirmed by me via email or phone. Payment is made either after the official booking or before each session (in cash or by bank transfer). For further details, I am available for a personal conversation.

Yes, I also offer group classes, which I will announce on my website (blog) as well as on Instagram.

No, not at the moment.

Get in touch

Katharina Neubauer, BA MA

Adresse auf Anfrage 

A-8081 Heiligenkreuz am Waasen

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